The Bug That Kept On Giving :: PaymentBypass :: QR CODE

How we got there

A story of a bug i found through QR code Response Manipulation.

I was scrolling my twitter feed when i can across a tweet from @intigriti about paywall bypass, and i remembered i had a target that had payment bypass inscope.

I went a head and visted the program xboy (why). xboy had a website offering an option to buy e-giftcards. that would redirect you to This process contains a flow like;

select gift card -> get taken to cart -> fill in all the details -> Verify info -> Select payment (By QR Code) -> get qr code -> scan qr to pay (Vulnerable area)

Reproduction steps

  1. Visit
  2. Select a gift card
  3. get taken to cart -> fill in all the details -> Verify info -> Select payment (QR code) -> get qr code -> scan qr to payment
  4. Open burp and intercept request with the payment info
"POST /rest/Payment/v1/status?"  

and json data

{"paymentData": "DATAAAA"}
  1. Select burps do intercept response option.
  2. Intercept response which should contain a json parmeter with
{"payload": "","resultCode":"pending","type":"complete"}

.Change the response from

{"payload": "","resultCode":"pending","type":"complete"}` to `{"payload": "","resultCode":"complete","type":"complete"}


{"payload": "","resultCode":"complete","type":"complete"}
  1. Now you should recieve a green check to show payment complete and get redirected to
  2. After several minutes you should recieve email confirmation of your purchase.

I made a report and sent it to the program and after a few days it got accepted as a high severity and Bounty €€€ awarded.



@github @twitter @LinkedIn @Intigriti @hackerone_old

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